Sunday, April 8, 2012

Gravity Explained:

"The psyclonic legs overcome this problem by rope-braiding their psyclonic necks about themselves; each reinforces each other. The cavitation zone boundary (or unigy boundary) of one psyclonic throat, will help hold the psyclonic throat of its sister, psyclonic swirls, together. But at the same time, similar spin directions, create a chaff confliction at the rim of conflict, between the same spin direction, psyclonic leg capitations. This acts as an additional governor on the spin rate any leg can achieve, in excess of the spin rate of the other legs. This chaff condition in a proton is mediated by the neutron counter directional turns. No matter how strong the force -- the strong nuclear force -- of the legs rope-braiding about themsleves, if the diameter of the neck keeps decreasing, then the spin-speed keeps increasing, they will reach a spin-rate at which the rope-braid can no longer maintain the integrity of the psyclonic swirl. When this point is reached, the high speed end of the nucleus will be spinning too fast to remain contained, and will explode and go swimming off as a zip particle, carrying with it its own cavitation unity."

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